Language Switcher

1on1 BATTLE Vol.2 Rules

*As of July 1, 2024


“1on1 BATTLE” event is to compete Jump Rope (Single Rope) ad-lib performance (move) as a one-on-one style to the music that the DJ spins. Win-lose result is given by judges by judging criteria as soon as each battle finishes.

■Judging criteria

There is no clear point system. Each judge determine which one of the 2 athletes win based on the overall impression of, for example, how each moves to the music, how interesting they are, how well athletes perform, how much athletes react with the other moves.

■Rule details

Number of athletes1 athlete
Maximum entries24 entries (=24 athletes) *If there are more than 24 entries, a qualifying round will be held with 1 move for each athlete.
RopeAny types of ropes (freestyle PVC rope, beaded rope, wire rope) are allowed as long as it is for one athlete
Stage area5m×5m
Start/Stop signalAfter the music starts, any of the two athletes can start. Time count starts when the move starts.
CostumeAny costume is allowed unless they are against public policy
MusicSelected by DJ. (Various types of music are selected, such as breaking, house, hiphop, Japanese music, Western music.)
PropsAny kinds of props are allowed unless they damage/dirty the stage, endangers the audience.
When the majority of judges confirm that acrobatic skills are dangerous through run-up, takeoff, somersault, landing, etc.
When ropes/body of athletes touches the opponent on purpose.