Language Switcher

SPEED Vol.2 Rules

*As of July 1, 2024


“SPEED” event is to compete the number of alternate foot rope jumps in 30 seconds.

■Scoring system

Athletes perform alternate foot rope jumps for 30 seconds. Judges count the total number of right foot rope jumps (one jump is counted when the right foot touches the ground after passing over the rope). Final score is the average of 2 closest scores out of 3 judge scores.

(Example) In the case of “right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot”, the number of jumps is 3.

(Example) If the 3 judge scores are “90 times, 92 times, 94 times”, the average of the 2 higher closest, average of 92/94, is taken to be 93.

■Rule details

Category・Junior Division
・Senior Division
*No gender category
RopeAny types of ropes (freestyle PVC rope, beaded rope, wire rope) are allowed as long as it is for one athlete
Start/Stop signalAthletes can start jumping after start beep signal followed by “Single Rope Speed ​​Sprint 30 seconds, Judges ready? Athlete ready? set”. 30 seconds after the start signal, another beep sounds, which is the stop signal.
DeductionAthletes must not move before the start signal. When the judge determines that the athlete moves/the rope has started to rotate before the signal starts, it is considered a false start. False start will result in the deduction of 10 jumps from the total number of jumps.